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The Right Content Strategy to Keep Your Audience Engaged

Oct 06, 2021

Question: What is the right content strategy to keep your audience engaged on social media?

Answer: The 80/20 Rule. 

So there's really a few things that you need to know about the world of social media marketing. 

Quick fact: there are over 300,000 status updates, every 60 seconds on Facebook alone. 

What does that mean? That means there's a lot of stuff going on on that platform.

Are you new here? You should join my EXCLUSIVE Facebook community "Social Media Training and Strategy for Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs" by clicking here!

Obviously you are probably aware that there's algorithms in place that decide whose posts get seen by what people and when and all of that stuff. 

So it's very, very important as a business owner if you are trying to 1) reach your customers and your audience online, but 2) grow that as well. 

That's why it's so important that you have a good content marketing strategy in place for your business. 

So let's...

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Stop Wasting Time Creating Social Media Posts by Batching Content

Oct 06, 2021

So I want to talk today about the importance of creating Social Media Posts and Batching Content and in another post, I know that I've talked to you guys about the Five Reasons Why You Should Batch Your Content. But today I really want to focus on what the actual steps look like to Batch Social Media Content. 

Are you new here? You should join my EXCLUSIVE Facebook community "Social Media Training & Strategy for Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs" by clicking here!

Where I want to begin is, Are you familiar with what meal prepping is? 

See people do meal prepping to get themselves organized. Typically it's a Sunday or maybe even Monday, they get themselves organized for the week for all of their meals.

They create the meals all at once. And that takes care of them having to cook every night that week, you know, making the different meals. 

So for me and my family cooking can be anywhere from half an hour to an hour worth of time if I cook...

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What's the right time to start a Social Media Freelance Business

May 10, 2021

Over the last 7 years of being in the entrepreneurship space and I've been able to meet a lot of people who have so many wonderful ideas for starting a business, creating a product, etc. but most don't end up doing it because they're "waiting for a sign" that they should do it. (I've been there too at times!!)

Don't get me wrong... I'm definitely one to pray on big decisions, seek wisdom from trusted mentors, and try not to rush into unchartered territories. But I'm also very aware of whether it's a matter of needing "confirmation" (or in honesty, approval from others)... OR if it's more of a COMFORT ZONE issue.

Yeah, I'm going there with you my friend... I want to give you some encouragement and perhaps a little bit of my story can inspire you, because with all honesty, starting my freelance marketing company in June 2018 and then moving full time with it by October that year happened both quickly & a little bit unexpectantly.

Sometimes, we need all of the stars to align...

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  • Attract ready to buy customers and keep them coming back.
  • Create posts that turn readers into buyers.
  • Spend less time creating posts and more time making money.
  • Increase the number of people who see your business on social media.