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Facebook Content that Converts

Oct 06, 2021

When making a Facebook post, what is your objective? Are you looking to increase engagement or are you looking to write Facebook content that converts? It’s extremely important to know which you are trying to accomplish because how you create your content is determined by that objective.

If your primary goal is to see more visitors to your website and in turn increase your revenue coming from your online strategies, then a Facebook post with a lot of likes, comments, and shares is not helping. 

It looks cool and feels good when you open your Facebook account to see that little red bubble indicating you have new notifications, and when you open it to see a bunch of notifications on your Facebook posts, you feel like a real pro. However, that is not an indication of conversion.

So what is a conversion? According to a conversion is “when a visitor to your website completes a desired goal, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.”

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